Sunday, January 13, 2013

The tough guy act

I see it everywhere, I do it too. We pretend it is ok and that we can handle it. We don't need help or approval. I see little kids do it when they are about to go to school. That's how we get ready for the change. No Momma-I can do this MYSELF! OK, if you won't, then let me pay for this myself! I don't care what you say - I am doing it anyway!! On and on it goes. Establishing independence and setting into motion that individual. I support it with kids all of the time. It is a necessary rite of passage. I say show me what you got. I know now that as we grow up it makes life harder if you stay in that childish mode. I see parents that haven't given the nod of approval or the YOU GO GET 'em' TIGER speech or the I am so proud of you thumbs up. Those release signs that give the child permission to at any time for any reason return and admit they need help, love or simply a safe place for a minute. Lots of kids grow up to keep on running, keep on with the tough guy act never slowing down to see that home is where your heart is and to give in to your heart means you are making home with yourself. Many never learned that as a kid. Those that didn't do not make homes for their kids either. If you are a parent who needs to tell your kid no matter how old or distant they have become that YOU APPROVE OF AND LOVE THEM, even if you disagree with who they are or what they do, this will change our world forever. Our true home in heaven will always be there and many are going there instead now, suicide is off the richter scales, but if you want to stay and play here for a little while longer then this is something to consider. Please tell your children that they are your best effort and that the love you feel for them whether they know it or not, is real and true and never ending!! If you wish your parent had been that way and it too late in 3D to hear those words, then find them inside of your own heart and believe them to be real, for after it is all over love will be the only thing that remains.

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