Monday, January 7, 2013

Be still and know you are loved

So much time is spent on trying to find that seal of approval, the love unconditional that is spoken of so frequently. I have looked on the outside and in this world for that kind of love and have not found it out there. It is the love that comes from within that validates the human and the life here. It can not be replicated in any way by another for another, it is the self-realization that brings that true love into reality. Knowing that you were created perfectly for a myriad of experiences and relationships. Knowing that in the end it will all be fine and there will be a reunion and a celebration of success. I love this world and endeavor to be a part of the solution here. That does not always fit into other's views of me. I am seen as a rebel, a pain in the butt, a nut. And yet although I believe I am so much more than that I would agree. I have chosen my own road all along. It was not what either of my husbands appreciated about me. Ultimately they were frustrated and embarrassed by my choices and made sure I knew it. They squawked in every way about my habits, my visions and my personality. It took me a minute to get over that. When we think some one loves us that they will love us no matter what, that in this world is simply untrue. I have tested that theory over and over and each time it comes back around to me. So in the stillness, KNOW FOR SURE YOU WERE CREATED PERFECTLY, THE ADVENTURE IS YOURS AND IT WILL YIELD MASSIVE RESULTS FOR YOU AND YOUR SOUL DEVELOPMENT. Let that be what it is you seek and fall in love with your life here. It is super short, so please do not waste one more minute thinking anything less than the best - YOU ARE THE BEST YOU EVER!! ME TOO! Blame yourself only for all you have chosen and then say," Thank you Creator for the amazing opportunity to grow and show growth, I am blessed by you and this experience", Namaste' Dr. SU

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