Saturday, January 19, 2013

Letting go

My beautiful niece wrote about letting go. She said although it was sad and hard it is necessary for growth. What do we need to let go of? Anything or anyone who holds us back or down or keeps us out of the game. We are designed to be in community filled with passion and commitment and the power that that gives is enormous. Kindness and cooperation we will keep, dictation and domination we will let go of. If someone is trying to make you different, telling you your are not what they think you should be or that you are not doing what they want you to, it is time to let go. Kids are hooked into genetic weaknesses and they end up repeating the behavior and lifestyle they hated most when they were young. It is facinating. The only way to create the life and reality of your dreams is to let go of anything that keeps you from dreaming. Forgive your family tree for anything you wish didn't exist there. If there was abuse or addiction, let it go. If there was criticism or seperation, let it go. If there was a set of standards- high or low that you didn't agree with, let it go. The only one who will be scored on your success in this lifetime is you, everything else is simply here to shape you in some way, your choice. Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, I am free at last! Powerful words to live by - thank you Martin Luther King!

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