Thursday, January 10, 2013

Always looking for a cause- Adrenaline use

Humans love adrenaline. They drink coffee for it. They eat sugar. They cuss and holler. The more drama, the more adrenaline. After awhile you need to create bigger scenes, drink more coffee, spend more money and on and on it goes. It is addicting and powerful and for many the excitment is all they live for. What happens then when you need some adrenaline to combat a serious fight or flight issue and yours in totally spent. You go into anaphylaxis and die from no more breath. This is a huge issue these days, people are so hepped up on videos and news and excitotoxins in their food that when they truly need that physical gift, there is none left to save them. The first sign that your adrenals are weak and overused in the inability to sleep peacefully through the night. Waking up tired is an indicator that you have started down the stress response road. Jobs people hate, people people fight with, money and sex issues are big factors. The need for STIMULANTS for your body parts indicates the same syndrome is taking place. When your adrenals warn you with an anxiety attack that you are in trouble, many people medicate the feeling rather than deal with the TRUTH. Alcohol is a huge remedy for those who know it blurs the sensations. Adrenaline is here to save your life, NOT TO RULE IT. I use horse therapy to teach humans how to live in balance with their own adrenaline and limbic system, the sensory field that gives you the sensations we discussed. If you are stressed and these symptoms remind you of you, come on over for some REAL THERAPY and we will calm you down and power you up!! No need to create more drama when the solutions are there for you to learn and use in your life - accept the gift for what it is now. Namaste' Dr. Su

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