Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Seeing is believing

I see auras around people, I feel them too. It is a great help for me in my work because I can tell when I have said or done something that has turned the light on. I also have seen in the light where the darkness from within comes forward to the warmth of my light or words. Energy is everywhere, you have your own life source and then there is other energy around you. We allow attachments to occur under times of great stress. When I was a child my mother's aura held 7 dark friends, who she shared her world with until I was about 12. Then in the light of her prayers one day they surfaced. Luckily there was a Lightworker there who had a conversation with them and then showed them they way out and gone from her forever. I watched and listened and saw the surfacing and then the battle for her soul. It was something! In the end she was free, beat up by the battle but free forever. I saw that same thing happen again recently with a friend who was completely consumed by an energy I called to. I said you can not stay here and the energy responded with a violent push. I saw it as slimey like a giant leech wrapped around the person I love. Then in an instant I saw the point of entry. A slice into the body from a violent push he received as a kid. The stress weakened his field and in it came and has stayed his whole life. I can see in the eyes of a human when the energy gets nervous, I can feel the shift from warm to cold as attachment energy is like ice. This energy appeared because I said I love you, I want to be with you, to the human. The energy would not share his host with me, not now, not while he has such a great host and has had the host all to himself. He has kept him seperate from the love of the world for a long time and leaving is going to be a battle. We feed our dark energy with our pain, our drama, our stress and our negativity. In the light of love and communion there is no space there for all is illuminated and ultimately healed. If you know someone drowning in the attachments they have formed pray for a lightworker to appear to assist in the release. I teach classes on this and they help alot. You can do your own work if you choose too, but I have found support from humans and angels alike super helpful. My friend Michele Mayama in St. Paul, MN is a master at this, contact her at Lightsmith if you need help, she has helped many of my friends and clients and yes even ME TOO!! We are in this together, let's work together now and bring the light and the love and the warmth back to our world. It is time for those who do not belong here to leave us in peace. Namaste' Dr. Su

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