Friday, January 18, 2013

Blowing smoke

I just got hollered at about smoking. I am sad that the smoke from the pipe is so misunderstood. I see smokers everywhere and I know the reason and the need. Tobacco is the herb of protection and whether you know that consciously or unconsciously it is what it is. To speak in a safe space, to offer tobacco first insures that safety. To go into the sweatlodge, the gift of tobacco on to the fire creates that safe and protected space needed for the clearing of the spirit. It is a gift to humanity, grossly misunderstood and commonly not used for the highest good. It was morphed for money and an addiction was created by cigarettes altered with toxic chemicals. It is interesting how when only organic tobacco is used there is not a addiction process triggered. Switch and see how quickly it goes away. I love all the Earth mother provides for us and knowing the details and magic are a big part of the fun here. Before you criticize anyone for any reason, stop!!! You may not know all the facts.

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