Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Ferraris , thought they were corvettes

I have amazing awake dreams and I believe I dream not only for me but for our world. I share my dreams day or night with those interested. In love I tell my partner the whole story so I can put it in the air. So here goes, you are my partners! I was in a race, I am not a runnner and racing to me is not fun. Yet there I am racing away. It is a get halfway and turn around and run back course, so I do. Right there to my surprise is a short cut, and it is legal to run this race any way you can so I take it. I end up in FRONT! I can not believe my luck and all of a sudden my ability to run is amazing. I had quite running years ago. I felt heavy and tired when I ran. Now OUT OF MY BODY now comes turbo legs and I am thrilled. I feels great and ZOOM... away I go. I get to a thin trail with steep sides and I almost slide down the far side, I said grab me to the audience and when I did I just popped back up all on my own. Then coming into the home stretch was the Hudson Bridge and I could hear someone saying the only one who ever did this before won a Ferrari. I laughed because I thought the prize was a corvette. My momentum increased and I shot up the hill past the bridge, over the finish line and then went even a little further in case that wasn't the finale' and they had moved the line out farther. At which point someone said - with that amazing performance, this one gets 2 Ferraris. What does that all mean, simply that all our hard work and endurance has paid off in spades. Believe what I am saying - this is real. We have all been on and off this planet for a very very long time, struggling and clawing our way to love and light and community. The old ways died and hearts were broken, wars were started and people lied and cheated and worse. Now that is over, we are here for a new and brighter day. Love wins again! I am so glad the race has been won and the prize way cooler then we ever knew!!

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