Thursday, January 31, 2013

I am the sum total of my ancestors

Someone said YOU ARE YOUR MOTHER! I had heard that before. As a matter of fact when someone wants to rip my heart out that is what they know to say to get the job done. I spent a long time denying that part of me. Then in the process of healing I realized very peacefully, I am my mother, and my father and my sister and my brother too. They look like me and say some of the words I say. We like the same food and share some of the same beliefs. It is the polarity that pushes me toward a better me. I told my mom I learned HOW NOT TO PARENT from her. I would never hit my kids or shame them or tell them they were going to hell, things she did and said all of the time. That was the polarity part that made me who I am, I am her in polarity. The good resulting from the bad. I am proud of that. We have the choice to use our heritage to either heal and change the direction it's going or repeat it over until someone down the line does the work. This is a key to our completion. It is not the seperation but the union that moves us toward wholeness. I am my own ancestor living here in the now. That is good enough, no regrets, just the wholeness that comes from knowing I came from a place of love into a classroom of learning and I am learning quickly now. If you do not like your heritage then you have not embraced the gifts and lessons offered, and you will be the same as they were. If you can embrace them with a loving and forgiving heart, you can change the future - yours and all of your family's. This is worthy of consideration, no one ever again can hurt me with those words - you are your mother, because it is true, I am and always will be, plus 2 bags of chips!! That is ME!

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