Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ahead of the game, let's all play

I have always read ahead, walked ahead, simply been a - head. That is the visionary part of my spirit using the hawk part of me to see over the next hill. It has kept me on course. It has also kept me out of the game of life so to speak. It has been a lonely road. Other hawks were who I migrated to for friendship but they were rare and odd and solo like me. In and out, up and down. As i learned more about my personal mission here I called in energetically others from other places and times to join me in the game. It is great fun to find a comrade or old partner. They too were only around a little while, then moved on or left. I am telling you this because there are many like me and YOU, looking for those who want to play the game now to the end, which is Unity and Wholeness here. Let's find each other and play together. I believe that many are catching up and catching on fast now and this is gonna' be super fun!! Let's all play now, together in love and light forever!

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