Saturday, January 12, 2013

Keep the light on

People will wreck the good stuff to be right. Fight to the end to not have to be sad or say I am sorry. Have you seen what is left behind after war?? I love how humans forget they will never be gone, really. They leave a footprint where ever they step. Luckily, the Universe always keeps the light on. No matter what, you are seen and loved and in the end you will shake your head at all the havoc that did not need to be. I see so much pain left when the ego and intellect of humanity are all they use, the fight for life as they see it and then throw in the emotion part with the pain of the past and you get quite a storm and an awful mess. Wierd, since it is only 5% of the brain's job to play in that limited reality. The other part of the brain nearly 95% is Hokmah, wisdom and potential, fueling creativity with nothing but love. When the storms quiet and we are alone trying to find our way back home, luckily the Creator will have left the light on. In the light you will see the truth, what you have said and done will be there for you to own. Bright lights now are coming on everywhere. Take a minute and use them to see who you really are and what you are doing and why you acting that way and then .... I guess we will see. Remember we are in this together - I see you and I am very glad that you can see me too!!

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