Monday, January 7, 2013

down but not out, pay attention to the signs

I was alerted before dawn that something was not right. It looked dark and down and struggling. My heart raced at the thought of an animal in distress. I dressed and got there as soon as I could, to find much bigger mayhem that that one indicator. Oh Lord, I love this farm and all the excitment it brings into my life. Horses were everywhere, into everything and what a sight it was. The gate was wide open and smashed and the circus I missed during my sleep must have been a wild one! Just like naughty kids in the cookie jar, they looked at me with those big brown eyes and said - OH OH mom is here. And then I laughed out loud at the giant mess and with great relief that the down and dark thing was just my grill cover flapping in the wind in the snow just far enough from my sight as to not know what it was. Well truth be told no one is messier than me. When I do it up I do it big, flour on the ceiling when I am baking is not uncommon. I love this day and the signs that show me the way, even when the way is unexpected!!! Here's to a day in the barn!! TRhank God I don't work on Mondays any more! LOL Dr. Su

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