Saturday, January 5, 2013

What are you waiting for anyway???

I tell people the only way to have what you desire is to do it yourself, those who feel entitled will not receive what they feel they deserve, there will simply never be enough for them. We can hope and dream, but we must also do and be - whatever it is we desire. I am in the healing arts because I was so so ill and in so much pain. I asked around, the most trained physicians were unable to FIX me. They admitted to me, I was incurable. I knew if I were going to have what I wanted and be who I wanted to be I would have to do something MYSELF! I did. I have wanted many things in my life - a belief system that made sense to me, healthy happy children, horses, a beautiful home, a job I can love doing and be proud of, not to mention to be a happy healthy fit and lean Susan. I did not wait, I went after it first by believing in those dreams, then by accepting the truth I was worthy and third by being passionate and grateful all at the same time. A girl said yesterday how can I enjoy feeding my horses when it is 30 below, I said because the look in their eyes when I wheel out the wagon with hay on it is worth all the gold on this planet to me. They love me and I love them and that's all this world is about. Stop waiting for love, go after it, and WHEN you have it near, be passionate and grateful and the waiting will end. It is totally up to YOU!

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