Sunday, January 6, 2013

Being in the MOMENT

For years in my practice people have asked me WHY? Why are they sick or fat or worried or frustrated or in pain, over and over I tell them there are three factors. First your genetic lineage has 33% of what is going on for you, going on for you. Is your family line out of whack? Sick, addicted, angry or abusive? Are they whole in loving this life and world and one another? You are a piece of that genetic lessonry. You are closely connected to each other, and the love within that structure is the basis for your base energy. Next 33%, you are given free will to eat, drink, breathe, move and sleep any way you choose. Choose to do harm or create imbalance and you will feel it and become it. Exercise and diet matching your bloodtype will help enourmously. Clean water is beyond belief in it's keeping you healthy and happy. Sleeping during the normal sleep hours of 9-5 pm, into REM state is the only way you heal or lose weight. Then there is the attitude part of 33% too. Happy people with a optimistic view of life who go with the flow and add in with love and light and laughter are WAY WAY healthier and live longer and have so much more to add to our world. Those in conflict filled with self doubt or anxiety, or criticism and fear, suffer. Those who are self loathing or are filled with regret or resentment are on the destruction trail and will take down any one who comes near them. They are toxic and will stop at nothing to create a toxic response with words and deeds alike. You will know them by the slippery dark auric energy, commonly looking through their eyebrows at the world. Their words will hurt the air and every thing within earshot and beyond. These are the simple things that create the human experience. You may add in or out anytime you choose. I say be in the MOMENT, love it for something, small or not. Find what is right not wrong because there is so much that is right around here! You are the maker and breaker of your reality, the patterns are there for you to learn and create a way of life that enhances itself. You recreate yourself daily, start fresh, say you are sorry, fix the issues with laughter and love and light, find something or someone to share passion and joy with. Then in that MOMEMT be present and grateful, we are very blessed to be a part of this world and knowing that changes everything into perfect. I hope that helps, it certainly has helped me! Dr. Su

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