Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celebrate your Birthday and your Rebirthday

Christians call it being born again. Native Americans called it vision quest. It is the time when an innocent becomes consenting and freewilled. We are supposed to help shape that moment with our own children, teaching communion is one way, teaching meditation another, accountability is the lesson from that moment on. Are you accountable for every single action, word and energy you send out there? And is it exactly what you would choose to have done to YOU? That is accountability and rebirth as a consenting adult. I love my birthday more than any other day of the year, I celebrate for weeks before the 20th and then it is over till the next December. I know that my coming to Earth was a choice and that connection marked by my birthday is to be celebrated each and every year. Now others may not feel the choice to be here is to be honored and that is simply sad and ultimately it takes them out of the game. I know alot of people who would forget their birthday. To forget that day is to forget you and God made this an opportunity to be cherished, a true gift from Creator to the world. If you have not been reborn in the spirit of love as a consenting accountable adult, no matter how old you are - YOU CAN STILL DO IT! If you have any regrets at all this is for you! Get a healing, have communion, go on a visionquest, let go of your childish ways and move into the power and glory of community, become accountable for all you do. Fathers take care of your families. Mothers take care of your children. We need those who add love and light to our world, we are waiting for you!

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