Sunday, December 1, 2013

As within so without, as above so below

It is hard to believe that is real if you were not taught why and how that works. Paper and pen help. Make a list of those things existing in your life, your work, your room, your days and nights, all the things that surround you daily. Which of them do you admire, adore and want to keep forever? Which would have or do differently or better or automatically? Then know those are the parts from within you must examine. Everything on the outside is birthed and fed by the energy inside. Period. If you are out of alignment,  starving for food or love, out of money, out of the family, look within and find a way, a word, or a time to RECONNECT. See it in your mind, map it out, make it real. I taught a class yesterday and introduced those there to their higher self, anchored solidly above in heaven with a view from there worthy of your connecting to and knowing. Above is where the seer lives, pointing you in the direction that offers the least resistance. The path for you, as shown by you. On that paper - respond to yourself by asking your higher self and just jotting down ideas, or notes. The crazier the better! Make pictures, name names, write it in a story, be specific, be creative and be hopeful. Then do it again tomorrow. I guarantee results from within that will light up your life and our world.

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