Sunday, December 29, 2013

Re - View Mirror

Moving ahead toward 2014, while using that rear view mirror, gives us a moment to reflect on that reflection of your  former life. Re - viewing it, using your discernment, and intuition, without ego or pride playing a role is helpful.  What are you learning, and which pieces of that time will build your future in a healed and much stronger way? Which are the behaviors, situations and reactions that will never be yours again? Remember how each thing, person, place or choice made you feel something, positive or not. Select the best, like the shivers that covered your whole body, or the laughter that rocked  your guts, and the tears of knowing the truth or being in familiar territory. If there was shame or embarrassment or loss or conflict, own your part in it and forgive yourself. THEN, start fresh with the choices of a champion. Someone who has been there and done that, and is going to do it better this time in every way possible using experience to make it better. We are extra-ordinary, and when you realize the gift that being human is, you will not only morph into a  fully loving and loved spirit here, you will attract others and our world will get the upgrade promised. See it first in self and your immediate surroundings, UPGRADE now and enjoy the options you forgot you had available. The vision of the Angel-Hawk is clear, and I see great things for our world now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy holidays to you