Saturday, December 28, 2013

Order it up now

Orders....not to follow but to offer. Disorder is here these days on our planet. People barely see it in front of their eyes they have become used to it. When they do it or see it, they turn from it or comment with a criticism about how wrong it is, which in fact, makes it worse much, much worse. Actually adding insult to injury. You words are the commands you give to your life, your body, your energy and ultimately your world and  sometimes a little of mine too if I allow it. I can be very commanding when order is not there. I can see everything clearly, think it better, speak it out loud, and then order and allow the love of order, to run with the breath of my words and create something beautiful and in alignment. TODAY, Stand at the window of your life,  it is your turn now, order exactly what you want, in what size and amount and color and be very specific. Speak up, speak in a tone you would like to have spoken to you, use only words you would say in front of Creator or the Divine Mother. Then let the next order be yours with the understanding that you were the ONE who made it. If you like what you got, great, you are getting the hang of this. If you got something you didn't like, then step away from the order window for a minute and rethink your choices, your words, and your delivery. What YOU CAN CONCEIVE, AND BELIEVE, YOU MAY NOW RECEIVE. It is the gift given by a Creator who has thought of everything and in the beginning, using the WORD, created it all. Now it is your turn, try it, I think you will like it. Remember you can only order for yourself, no one else.

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