Friday, December 27, 2013


I said to my step dad I felt his father was grumpy when I was little. I asked if he was grumpy to him too. He said yes but really more quiet and distant, he came from a hard life, where he actually had a step dad of his own who did not want him. Because of that, he left Norway as a teenager. His life here was hard. I said I thought that was sad, and it helped me understand the energy carried in to my family. Then my step dad said, that although he never told his own son, my step dad, the good stuff, he heard from friends, that his father thought very highly of him. Now how does that work?? Why can' t a parent look their own child in the eyes and tell them how important they are, or how proud they make them?? Learned behavior, keeps us down and in line with our past. I believe it is time to break those habits, if you have not told your kids they are your best work, then do it. If you think that by building someone up to others, that it will get back to them, you are missing the mark. Go to the person you want to know how much you care, or admire them, and look them in the eyes and say so. Or just stay GRUMPY, you choose.

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