Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pain is the signal

that something wants your attention. To ignore it is to ignore yourself. STOP EVERYTHING AND ask the body, WHAT UP? Listen, take notes, feel the real deal within and look to the pain for the direction, for the answers you have been seeking. It is vital data. It is not wrong, or broken, or sick in anyway. It is just the alarm that went off and was ignored, so now it sounds and  feels louder and more intense. You can stop it at any time, with the truth that what you are learning is being heard and learned from. Humans, surfacing like  nearly drowned swimmers, coming up through the pain, take your breath, first and then relax and heal with the knowledge that the signal has been heard and heeded. It is a cool tool! I know that pain is a gift from the Creator and I honor it's magnificent power to stop a locomotive human heading down the wrong track, amazing really. With a grateful heart accept your signal and find your truth, YOU WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER! I promise.

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