Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Relief and Restoration

It got pinchy for awhile. The world fragmenting at break neck speed. The complaints loud and whining. It was hard to watch, knowing that the control knob inside each human was being ignored and actually hidden from view! I see  crazy food, and drugs, and fluoride and mercury, and all sorts of other toxic stuff put into our world to shut down the energy of the humans. It inspires me to take action. So I did, I studied, meditated, detoxed and remembered. I did a lot of remembering me and my journey here since the beginning and what I am to do. I have a great and valuable gift, digging it out from beneath the rubble was the hard part. Finding it like a hidden jewel and polishing it up my great relief and restoration. You also are all a jewel, beneath the scars and tattoos and piercings, you are amazing and beautiful and gifted with something very special. It will come to those who desire it to rise from the ashes of the old life here. JUST ASK and ALLOW. Freedom, peace, belief and relief, will then restore us, first as individuals, then as families, then as a nation and then as a world. I look forward to this soon happening here!

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