Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Let it go now, all of it, going, going, gone!

I heard the words, inherent tragedy. A pain from within, so deeply lodged over such a very long time, that the human bearing it suffers over and over, without consciously understanding why. It then directs them to self destruct mode as a remedy. It aches like a tooth, and never stops no matter how much diversion is pumped in to the body. I call those diversions, sex, drugs and rock and roll, but they are much more complicated then that. Anything but reality is all that seems to work. Although reality and healing are the only thing that will shift us. SO LET'S FIX THIS NOW.  In playing the movie back, let's invite those festering splinters to surface now and so they can be removed. Sit quietly in a safe and loving space, ask your higher self to reveal the truth about YOU, to YOU. Let it surface within pain, like a dead body  SLOWLY rising up from the depths of water, where the drowning occurred long ago and yet the end still hadn't played itself out. The dead weight of the broken parts of self are heavy and dark. Let the light shine on them with you inner vision of what light looks like to YOU. I see THE GREATEST LIGHT as a loving Creator, filled with compassion and giving me the ability I need to shift my programming. The shepherd lovingly watching the sheep. In clearing the old programming, new thoughts and choices must be added back in. Decide before you start, what you truly want now and forever. This is forever deal, because love never dies. It simply becomes forgotten, TIME TO REMEMBER the beginning of you, when love was all that you were. Namaste'

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