Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Overly attached to your version of the TRUTH??

I read that today and smiled at the impact of that reality. Over and over I see it, people stomping up and down claiming their way, their belief, their truth, their reality is THE ONLY ONE!!!!! To that I offer THIS. In God's Orchestra, there are many instruments. You learn yours and I will learn mine, and when we are good at what each of us is to do and then we can bring what we have learned and add it in, together we will make beautiful music,  WITH TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT INSTRUMENTS. The lesson is simple, In the beginning, the Earth was given 4 colors of people, markers of lesson only, yellow to learn air, black to learn water, white to learn fire and red to learn earth. In the end, we would all become golden with the  gathered knowledge of what each race learned and brought to the party. THE PARTY IS NOW! Let's get started and share the good news of each truth. You bring yours and I will bring mine and we will have the greatest smorgasbord ever!!!! Thank you Father/Mother for this ending to a wonderful adventure.

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