Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Final 2013 post

The most challenging year I have ever endured this past 2013. So much, so fast, so furious in so many ways. I saw a lot of a lot of things shift and hope they all heal now. As I prayed and meditated today I say a bright and sunny future, I saw the rainbow warriors coming and I saw the Earth her self healing her own body. The water became clear and the land fertile, I saw children playing peacefully in the grass and horses grazing quietly in their fields. I know that will be my future. Do you know yours?  Of course you do! Just slow down, sit still and listen to your heart, it has been wanting  a conference with you for a very long time. Happy 2014 to us all, may peace and love rule our world, and all of our dreams become our truth and our reality.

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