Monday, April 15, 2013

What is picky???

Like the thorn on a rose. It pokes and scratches and let's the air out of your bubble. Telling people what you think is wrong is being picky. Telling people what see as right or a good effort is inspiring. I had a picky parent, whose idea of a clean house was way too picky for me. She was abusive about it, and I grew up hating to clean as a lasting response to her pickiness. Luckily I have someone who helps me and that makes my heart sing, but the joy of cleaning never found me because the pickiness ruled. Are you picky, do you point out less instead of more. A friend told me yesterday that my effort in doing my chores was wrecking things and I smiled and said, although not perfect, the fact is, it is the best I have ever done and I am proud of what I have learned to do and that is good enough for me. Respond with that instead of defense, but send those picky people HOME! Those thorns are too sharp and the results - well who wants their bubble burst!!

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