Saturday, April 20, 2013

From the far corners of the galaxy help is here now.

I love the bigger picture, a true Sagittarian always does. We can see from the higher perspective a larger view of things, that is why we are such a hopeful group of people! We know over the next hill is water, and food and happiness, just keep on going. Well, as we gather here now in the dawn of these Earth changes, we are being partnered with lots of help from far away places. We have been watched for a long time, sometimes even assisted when we really made a mess. Now the communication lines are open and we are working as teams to get this world back in shape. Our systems have failed on so many levels and they are crashing around us, that is the good news. The new ways will be so much healthier and easier and sustainable. LOOK for the good news now. You will hear it, you will see it, you will know a better day has arrived. They are walking among us with willing hearts and Earth is happy for the company now. Pay attention this is what we came for, communion.

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