Friday, April 5, 2013

Gateways and Portals

WHETHER IN YOUR MIND OR IN YOUR SCOPE OF VISION THEY ARE VERY REAL. In the shift, you will be invited to move on through. You can if you want to leave behind the old ways and old thoughts and old memories. I know this for sure. Embracing the new energy with all of it's features has been a lifetime of wondering - how long and how far and when will we be there??? Questions I asked everyone all of the time starting when I was tiny. So now we have arrived and the next step involves a portal or gateway to a clear mind and a new way of doing things. EASY, CLEAN AND FREE. The laws of nature will apply here, the laws of man will shift. How does that sound??? As I looked up today I could see two beautiful rainbows on my land, with their endings right in front of my eyes. At the end of each tail the pot of gold. They said it was there and sure enough it is. The four directions now becoming one, the road north, the way home, the end that actually is the beginning. I have always celebrated death as birth since I have always been able to see beyond the veil. You too will now be given that gift, the vision, the knowing, the never ending story. First you must make your way through door to your new life!! Open your heart, speak your truth, release any fears or lack of trust, find the love you came to find and the gift you came with to deliver. You were created perfectly, now is the time to live up to that ideal, because perfect is good enough!

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