Monday, April 1, 2013

My Crystal Ball

Crystal balls are defined as, a means or a method for predicting future events. I have had one, a real one, for many years. I have used it as a visual stimulus for keeping my eye on the future of our world and my life here. I was told before I was born that this would be the most difficult life I have ever had, in terms of keeping my head up and my eyes focused. I lost focus right out the shoot with the parents I had picked. Genetically good stock, emotionally not stable. High end in many ways and that would help a lot, abusive and abandoning not the option I had hoped for. I, somehow knew deep inside that if I could just keep my head above the water line and my eye on the horizon that that would be enough. So I became a lifeguard, then a swimming teacher, then a doctor. All careers that helped me hold on. Our future is our hope here. Faith and love are current behaviors and create amazing stability, it is HOPE that is the one that the crystal ball reminds us of. You are your thoughts and then your words and deeds becoming your reality. I am too. HOPING is a strong energy that produces life and health and abundance, and most importantly MIRACLES! Use whatever you have to stimulate your hope factor now. If it is a crystal ball that reminds you to look to the future with hope, then get one!!! They are beautiful and make awesome table ornaments. As my lawyer called it - I am hopelessly hopeful and will remain that way for all of my days!! I HOPE you are too.

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