Saturday, April 20, 2013


I like that word, it offers promise. It does however take commitment and effort to do it. It is not for the lazy or quitters or those who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. I often wonder if you showed up and took a look at those who claim to be a part of the solution what you would really see. Would their real life something totally different, is yours?? I have spent forever being who I am, all of the time. I talk about it at work and I live it in every way every single day. I am not perfect but I never quit, walk off, or give up. I just know that sustaining this world and all the things I love and believe in are MY responsibility. The rest well, they will get what they have given. It is up to us now. Let's be together in taking this on, and cleaning up around here, hearts, minds, souls, health, relationships, the earth and the list goes on. See you in Eden.

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