Sunday, April 28, 2013


Our world had waited patiently and faithfully for the sleeping giants to awaken. Well, let me be one of the first to say thank you to those brave and fatihful souls for their hopeful and loving diligence. It has paid off, the giants are here, awake and alive and moving into the authority given to them by the love we have held in our hearts. We called for their help in cleaning this place up now and they heard our cries and are here. Look around, some have come in small bodies, their brilliant light barely containable. You will see the eyes that sparkle, the laughter and joy the comes from the mouths of those who truly love the Earth and her inhabitants with all of their hearts. They are the fulfillment of prophecy, they are the returned ancestors who said they would return and with them bring the King and Queen, I look forward to the Eden of Earth again. I was here in the beginning and will be here for the return of the Light. Thank you Mother Father God for the greatest opportunity the Universe has ever known. The experiment was a success, love wins, light rules and Yes you are a part of that success!! Namaste'

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