Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today I will do my very best work

I know how to do good work, yet I have let myself get talked out of great work. I know that I get lazy. I know that recycling, composting, and eating organically are necessary and somtimes I do and sometimes I do not. WHY? It is about loving me and THIS world. I could put my head under my pillow and wish someone else would fix it. I am not wired that way. If it looks like it needs attention I will offer my attention and ideas. Let's look at our body and our home and our friends. They are the up closest we have. Are they light, clear, supportive, loving, clean and most important, life affirming. My body affirms my good diet, it looks great when I pay attention to what I eat and drink, and how hard I play outside in the light and fresh air. My home is beautiful and yet I could do better and clear some more clutter. Then there are the words I hear daily from people that I surround myself with. Normally I hear good stuff, the few that speak nasty things still linger close by but I try to block them out. The article by Dr. OZ helped heal my heart in a huge way, speaking of the truth of mercury poisoning has gotten me a lot of flack and I lost many friends in the fight for what I knew was right. Now that time of feeling alone in that battle is over, someone larger and more present in the world is taking the banner and waving it, and the relief I feel brought me to my knees in tears of joy and gratitude. Just for today, do your very best work. EAT GREAT STUFF, especially breakfast, SAY BEAUTIFUL THINGS TO OTHERS, LAUGH AND SING, GIVE AWAY STUFF YOU ARE NOT USING AND LET THAT BE YOUR VERY BEST WORK!

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