Friday, April 19, 2013

Rainbows, vortexes and portals - aha!!

I live on a rainbow ranch. I believe in rainbow energy, I dream it, I know it is the road to wholeness here and also the road back home. I have traveled the world to vortexes to help add in higher light energy to me and my clients with the help of the Earth mother. Doing ceremonies and ritual at these place adds awesome impact and an ability to shift quickly. Like the visionquests that everyone should have had as a teenager but did not. Now there are portals or openings between the worlds available to us too. As a child I went to a secret place by a pond on my horse and sat and healed myself and my sad lonely heart many many times. I would bring my guitar and play and sing, I would bring my girlfriends and camp there. It held a rare air, it was a portal to another way of thinking. Going home was always the last thing I wanted to do while I was there. They are opening now in many spots that are healing. They look like water in the air, or a mirror that vibrates. Those who seek will find them and they are to used to move through to an expanded way of thinking. There are no limits, except the ones you create in your own mind. Portals show you the limitlessness of the human spirit, adding in capabilities that you had only dreamed of. Enjoy now and come to the wholeness you are being offered. me portal su portal!!

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