Thursday, April 25, 2013


Everyone has them, except me. I never have had them. I refuse to take NO for an answer. That caused many to back away from me, caused others to become very frustrated with me. I believe in unlimited everything. I believe in YES! Sometimes that got me into a position of management that I had to rethink. Some things had to move into other spaces. Sometimes things had to disappear after I tried them out. Liquor and cigarettes were two of those things among other things. I love that gift of no limits, no rules except love. If your ability to create the things you love with love and inspiration is here now, pull off the limits now. The old belief systems need to disapper. Get big, get creative, get energized and get going - you are limitless, you always were, and as soon as you remember that, things are going to shift quickly, I need big thinkers in my world now. It is time to discard any limitation from the past, lift the bar, raise yourself up to higher and higher goals. YOU ARE FREE, enjoy it!

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