Friday, April 19, 2013

In your dreams you create your reality

You are so vast with the ability to have and to hold by just dreaming it up. Awake dreams and asleep dreams tell you so much. When they disturb you, you should be aware that something needs to be considered and probably adjusted. Endings are a big part of dreams as you set yourself up for a shift. You are totally in control of your life on every level and learning how to work the knobs and dials and read the manual is what you need to learn. I know it is hard not to look on the outside for what is going on on the inside, I have many clients with cancer and autoimmune disorders that knew long ago they were heading down that road. Now there they are filled with regret and even fear. To stop that direction it takes complete forgiveness and a focus on a new direction filled with exactly what you desire. Apologize to yourself and the others you drug in to your mess. Do not speak or listen to negative words, curses, or doom and gloom or anyone else's time table. You are the driver, you always have been, maybe half asleep or even fooled by your own childishness, but the driver from before you were born. Are you sitting up straight, looking to a bright day and smiling and grateful the whole time, speaking words of love and joy and blessing everyone you meet. GOOD!! Then you are on the right track now. If you want something, dream about, write about, speak as if it is real in your life, and Voila' there it will be as if it was there the whole TIME!

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