Thursday, September 19, 2013

your heart is where YOU live

I can not nor would I enter in to the heart of another. It is where they live. Noone can steal it either. It is the point of entry to this world, in these bodies. It is the point of departure back to your home planet also. It is the housing of all of the potential brought in by that soul. Some hearts are giant, some not. Some hearts are hardened, some way soft. Some will shatter their own heart by experience here just to access it. I did. With that you become connected to other things, some of which continue the challenge, some help you to recreate the structure of a healthy happy heart. Some give theirs away, which does not help anyone and some never open theirs up at all. In the heart lies the fire that is fueled by the breath. Deep breathing stokes that fire and yoga, tai chi, prayer and meditation, as well as other things, promote that connection. When your fire is stoked your lights come on. You can see more than you could before in the dimmer and darker light. Some love what they see, that happens to me alot. I am a gifted fire stoker, my breath with it's words offer alot of fuel and some use it well. In the light of your own fire, use your words and your breath to get fired up now. In the light of your heart's fire, see and feel and own that space. It is sacred and holy and yours and yours alone to heal and then, once healthy share with the dimmer darker lights that come close to us. Once your heart is healed and open, you can then offer it to another in the ritual of marriage, that is the consented heart connection that takes two seperate hearts and makes them in to ONE. THERE SHALL BE ONLY ONE IN THE END. ADD IN IF YOU CAN, IF NOT KEEP ON TRYING. The heart is where the home is. ARE YOU HOME YET?

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