Monday, September 30, 2013

From your world

you may see mine. From your heart you may see mine. From your heritage and DNA programming you may see mine. What ever is level with you, whatever level you are at, you will see and feel that level. When I sink to a lower level, I see things I do not like or want to be involved with. I have a choice then, to stay sunken or to back away, breathe and lift my sights upward. I do that every day before I leave my room, set my sights high. My goal is for me to step up a notch every single day, into the lighter version of me, the healthier version of me and the happiest version of me yet. You all have that option, if you feel irritated, you have chosen that level, it is where the reflection of you is because YOU are there. That is the truth. If you choose the lighter, more elevated YOU, you will see beauty, healing and love that is also you. From my world to yours, let's all see the very BEST in it now and forever. Find the highest place now and see the bigger picture, and I know you will be amazed at really how beautiful and perfect it actually all is and will be.

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