Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy to be..... HAPPY?

It comes in a variety of ways, that happy thing. People can find it in the littlest thing, or wait and wait. I saw it in the eyes of the twins who sold me a toy yesterday, the happy eyes of the sale and the success and the connection. I watch sometimes, seeing people wait for something or someone to come in to their space to bring in the happy piece. It is not OUTSIDE of you, it is the choice to allow it to be present and acknowledged inside of you. You were made to be happy. You were made to share it and show it, and when that happens it becomes contagious. I am happy almost all of the time, I wake up that way every day. I find one thing, some thing to smile about. Today be happy, talk about it, show it, share it, embellish it. You are present, act like the gift you were designed to be and SMILE!! This is a happy world when we all figure out our part in it.

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