Thursday, September 5, 2013

IN love or AT love?

To know love is to understand the way it comes through and manifests fully. You were created IN LOVE, no other way. You could not have forged union with sperm and egg, without union of love energy. Whether you get that or not, it is the truth. In love is ONENESS. Merging energy whether intentional or random, is still merging. Responsibility and accountability are a huge part of the future of that merging. Some stop themselves and stay AT. and never go IN. Being AT love is to show up and say this is amazing. To see it, to feel it and yet not be able to move in to the ONENESS that self love and love of all things, human and non-human offers. Many arrive here, very few understand what to do when they get here. To know God,and to say I AM GOD, is to be IN LOVE WITH GOD, committed to GOD, forever. Not a replacement or temporary or seperate, never walking away. Simply flowing together in agreement that love is all that there is and we are that love in ONENESS. The AT LOVE is still shopping not sure. I have seen it both ways. Like a kid walking by the pet shop, looking and wanting, yet not going in and getting their own puppy! Unsure of their own ability to have one. Then there is the flowing and ever growing of that brave love, that brave human, that IN - loveness, that marches right IN and becomes the love of that puppy's life!! I will love you forever, take care of your heart and your body, play with you and let you sleep by me all the days of your life, and then when you or I leave, I will wait at the other end of the Rainbow bridge for you!! Many are at a crossroads of in or at. You decide now - is it AT or IN for you? Starting with you first, falling IN love with YOUR Self AND YOUR CREATOR!!! If you are reading this you are already AT LOVE, when you are ready for IN, dive off the cliff and immerse yourself, I guarantee YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!

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