Monday, September 30, 2013


Memories, connections, injuries, all now simply fading........ To be in the moment, the past must let you go and you let go of it. Fade to black. Then being here becomes the only way to be, here now, happy and healthy. I saw my friends playing cards, 500. They said do you know how to play, I said, "No I don't think so. Let me watch for a minute'. As I allowed the faded memory to come in to focus, I realized, YES, of course I do. I played as a child with my grandparents. I loved it! So I played again, and loved it again. I had forgotten all that stuff along with the pain and the drama of those days. Fading does not mean losing. I had not lost anything, just saved it for now, when I wanted it. Do the same, fade out then bring back only the beauty, the love, the good memories. The rest can now rest forever.

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