Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Be Me

and I will be you. That is how we fix this place, our hearts, our health, our lives here. I can not understand you unless you invite me and allow me to BE YOU for a minute. That is what I do in my office. When you come to see me, I ask you to invite me in for awhile. I get to see you, listen to you, feel your feelings, and for a moment I get to be you. Once invited to share your journey, I, with a different pair of eyes, can direct you out of the pain and illness and darkness that brought you to me in the first place. No one comes because they are well, everyone comes to see through my eyes and to be me for a minute. It is the ONENESS that offers the light. More of this will heal our world. If I can see through your eyes for a minute, I can understand your choices, your situation and consider a solution from my world, and my experience. I spoke of terrble loss and pain about an abortion yesterday, no one knows the damage this does that has not had one. Please do not even try. My life and my choices have given me license to discuss certain very painful experiences and this is one of them. We cleared the guilt, I assisted in adding in the light of the higher view of this and she will be fine now. She was me and I was her and it was awesome, the truth has set us free.

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