Sunday, September 1, 2013

When did we stop having fun?

My friend said, you still are so much fun!! We were paddling down the St. Croix when he reminded me of that. I thought about it for a minute and said, yup, you are right and something stopped my fun for a minute but I am getting it back very quickly now. He smiled and so did I. I had a philosophy of if it is not fun do not continue to do it. What happened? When did we stop enjoying our lives, laughing really hard, dancing, singing at the top of our lungs, cooking fabulous meals, living large? I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. It did though. I got quiet for a minute, I sat still, which is not me at all. I felt like I was waiting for something or someone. Has that been going on with you too?? Stop waiting. Get your smile on, flash it at everyone. I told the kids last week to be the inviter, not wait for the invitation. That is how fun starts. Think of what you love to do, think of who you would love to have join you and then think of how fun it will be. Fun is here for us all, all ages deserve to have fun!! So smile and get er' done. I told myself enough now, there is never too much fun to be had, and we all deserve it! This is fun!!

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