Monday, September 16, 2013

From a distance

everything looks different. It is easier to see how the flow goes and what that looks like. When we are up to our armpits in it the solutions are difficult if not impossible to find. My friend got some distance in his life. Moved on down the road, and took a time out. I asked what that did for him and he said, healed me. I know that that works. Instead of repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result,(which by the way is the definition of crazy), we should get some distance. In the rear view mirror, everything looks ok for what it was, the drama calms, the noise quiets, and the value in moving on becomes apparent and real. As we look to our future here, take a time out and see what your real real self is and needs, distance may be the opportunity to heal that you need. The future is yours, make it eactly what YOU want.

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