Friday, September 6, 2013

From a distance

the world looks different, green and blue really. People blend together and flow like rivers with energy and motion. E-motion is the dominant force here. This is that planet, blue emotion everywhere. People are working it out with their souls and their higher selves. Some will stay and work it out together embodied in human form yet, some will go home now and take a long deserved rest from here. I am fascinated by the whole adventure, always have been. I am a HAWK, I see it from the distance and know just over the next hill we find peace and health and harmony. I have known it all along, and stayed for that very reason. I am the HORSE on earth as that totem gives me form. There is my power and my glory in that gift and I teach to those who want to know what I know. I encourage a little distance right now for everyone. Stand back, allow the picture it's full panorama. You may be missing things when you are too close to it. In the distance comes the light and the love of the new earth, watch it rise up like a morning sun, stand and receive and enjoy the fusion. All good things come to those who have waited.

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