Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Your reality - your light quotient

Your mind is processing constantly your surroundings and your experiences. The level at which you find yourself may be different then the level someone else sees it as. Light is within all things, you are also light. If you can connect to that you can influence and be influenced by it. Your percception is your light level. The lighter you are, the clearer and more radiant the experience. So lighten up now, laugh at what perplexes you and say, in the light I will soon understand this. You are the Master becoming the Master, practice it with your thoughts, your meditations, your yoga, your walks in nature, your music, your art, and your relationships. Those that add light and keep you feeling light - keep and cherish and be grateful. All others shall soon disappear. To light your way, you must turn on your OWN light!

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