Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unity says the White Buffalo Calf Woman

Listen to the new way now, there is no place on the new earth for seperation or the old ways not making space for the new matrix of unity and love. If you think your way is the only way you will be upgraded soon to the bigger picture. Earth and her children are due for a celebration of Oneness. Let go of the fear that another and their ways could harm you in some way. There is no darkenss except for that which you carry in your own heart. That is what attracts those little challengers. You can not be cursed unless you believe in curses. You can not sin, unless you believe that you are a sinner and not worthy of forgiveness and mercy. This is a good day to proclaim the love of the Universe and reunion of heaven and Earth, of Angels and Humans, and of all of us together now. Be glad and rejoice peace has finally come to those who believe.

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