Friday, February 22, 2013

Thanks for playing

My mother taught me how NOT to parent. I told her that when I was about 36. She understood. She was fearful and cruel and over the top. I did not want that in my parenting skill set. I said thank you for showing me what NOT to do. I think there is a place now in our world to use that. We know not to use flouride, or eat chemicals, or put mercury in our teeth, because we did it and it was not good. For those lessons I say thank you. I also want to thank those who taught me how not to pick friends or partners. I am grateful to have experienced many types of relationships and learning about me and what I desire and need came from those places and people. In my view of the new world, people would remember those lessons and not choose the same stuff over and over. They would simply say, thanks but no thanks, and create something fresh and new and perfect for them. Thanking our enemies is the only way to end the war. So how about it, line them up in your mind and say thank you and then start with a clean slate! It is time for a new loving healthy life NOW.

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