Monday, February 18, 2013

I told my girls there is NO WAY you could ever disappoint me

I said that many times. I truly know that is my truth. I love them unconditionally all of the time. I do not always agree with them but that is ok. I realized today that the only one I disappoint is myself. I remember now that that is not an option but it was a belief system embedded in my psyche by another one who was disappointed. Measuring up is a work in progress, not a destination. It is our own potential that we are measuring up to. Disappointing yourself only stops your progress, and it could stop another's if you can get them to embrace the same belief. I hear it with diet, addiction, relationships, so many disappointing subjects for alot of people. If you can let that fizzle out and fade away now and be in the loving I always am measuring up to my own standards mood, then we could disappear this belief system all together now. Love is the key, use that as answer to feeling disappointed. Instead say I love it no matter what it is or how it was delivered. I choose to be grateful and accepting, not disappointed or sad or left out. This is going to be a great challenge for many of us, I hope you keep playing the game and work toward this goal. I feel it is worthy of our attention and we deserve to be happy all of the time!!

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