Thursday, February 28, 2013

- start seeing and being you in your own blissfilled bubble

What you speak is what your bubble holds as it surrounds only you. You can not influence me unless I allow it to penetrate my bubble. I protect my bubble every morning before my feet touch the floor so I am safe and my bubble is clear and impervious to the negativity that is in our world. I do not react to the illness I see and hear about in my work ever. My bubble does not let it in. I do, however know that I must protect myself from words and pictures and activites that can effect me in some way I do not want. That is my responsibility, period. No bad news for me, no media hype ever, no drama or loss can penetrate a bubble of love. Get in the habit of clearing your bubble and then asking it to stay solid all day long. Alcohol and drugs dissolve the protective outer shell, be careful!! I call it elbows and assholes, when I see the auras mixing together with no boundaries. It is up to you, your bubble creates your emotional state and your biological state too. Etheric cleansing, like sage can help you clean up your bubble, or just in-vision yourself inside it with a wet wipe and then a border marker, clean it up and draw the line around it that you do not want crossed. Then go about your bliss today and see how you like that!! Bouncing around light as air and clear and impervious, cool huh??

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