Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do you know why???

To have, be or create something, you must first consent. On some level, there is consent. People will say, that is not what I wanted, I did not ask for cancer, or foreclosure, or divorce. Yes you did. There is not one thing that occurs in your life that you did not consent to. Your words create your reality, all of it spoken in to existence. Consenting adults - all of us. Agreeing with one another to co-create lessons here. Period. That is the simple and very powerful truth. Nothing is random, and knowing the whiplash of karma, what is spoken and done, and it returns home with a bang and a slap! I do not like watching that blow. I do not like knowing that is the storm being brewed right in front of me. I see energy, I hear the release in the words of those who are reckless with them and I flinch even before the karmic response hits, knowing the blow will be hard and fast. It curls my hair. One guy I know keeps say YOU MISSED IT, what he really is doing and saying is that HE missed it.You can not speak for another without their express consent. I do not allow anyone to speak for me ever. I will create my own reality, my life, my health and my success depend on that!! So does yours. That is why. You consented and you create, you are super powerful creatures and knowing this for sure will give you the chance to put out there only what you are willing to receive. Health, happiness and horses for this girl living a life filled with love and laughter. Git' er' done now!

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