Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Have a nice day

That is our job now, to simply have a very nice day. Most people do not know how to do that. What does it take to make your day sweet and successful and productive and something to be proud of and then to share. First it takes a good night's rest, then a great breakfast, then a focus on what is good and right, and then, motion into the light of sun and love and smiling! I do Angel cards each morning to give me a vision of something positive, then I write in my journal one page of something bigger and brighter and alive for me. I draw or write words, either way works. I listen to music not TV and I feed my animals and say good morning to them all and give them some lovin'. How can anything derail after that? It can't. From there I endeavor to keep my eyes on the prize, speak only words I want to hear spoken to me, walk away if there is stress or conflict about to surface and thank the Universe and all those in charge for the ample opportunities I get to smile, share and love this life. There we go!! It is the little things that truly count!! And those little things add up to very very nice days. Here's to us all getting those nice days in our life every day.

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