Monday, February 11, 2013

Fighting before breakfast or after?

Who needs coffee when you can use an argument to create as much adrenaline as coffee does?? We use things we know work to get what we need. Adrenaline is in short supply here. If you are not sleeping through the night, have bags under your eyes, are tired after you eat carbs, overweight, need boosts to get through your day, you are adrenal insufficient. Fight or flight is the gift that adrenals give humans, a knowing of when it is safe or not. We have spent them out with years of over-stimulation. Alcohol, drugs, coffee, nicotine, inappropriate sex or porn, over-excitment, media buzzes, the need for speed, video games, gambling and list goes on and on. I know you know some of this, but here is something very few are aware of. It is the fight that people put out there that is the MOST HURTFUL to your adrenals. It causes your liver to get involved and that surges bile through the body creating an inflammatory response - biologically and emotionally, this creates a fight addict!! It is so powerful it can shut down the short term memory circuit. It happens with autism and alzheimers a lot. It then create Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because the knowing of the bad stuff is still there and will not go away and it tortures the human to remember the deeds. My mom did it with Alzheimer's and it was life shattering for my step dad. She would throw a violent tantrum and then forget she did that or even that he was there, and ultimately- who he was. Love is not a part of that pattern. Fighting is a reaction to fear and stress that non-existent adrenals would have handled differently. You would have been signaled how to properly handle that situation. It is why I use horses to teach this, their adrenal function and limbic system mean life or death for them and they are skilled at it's use and teach it beautifully. If you are a fight junkie, or any kind of adrenaline bile producing junkie at all, get some support, it will need to be nutritional at a very high level and you will need a coach of some sort who does not react to your aggression. Yoga helps, meditation does too, nature time is great and peace and quiet bring about the shift, get away, take a time out for yourself and you will make yourself better and our world a kinder gentler place!!!

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